Robbie Tips with Luke
One of our missions is to always provide the best knowledge about Robinson Helicopters. We also want to give you safety, and technical advice that will help you with your flying adventures. Here are some short tips, so you can remember and remind yourself.
After you’re finished reading, leave me a comment. I would like to know your answers to some of the questions I asked!
Robbie Tip 1# Pre-flight inspections. Do them right and put your phone away so it doesn’t distract you!
Robbie Tip 2# Technology and Aviation. There are many things that have been developed to assist pilots in flying. When you know your technology, it is a great help. When you don’t, it is a great distraction. Keep your head up and eyes out when flying!
Robbie Tip 3# Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance. Take the extra time. Do it right!
Robbie Tip 4# I’ve pondered how someone can buy a million dollar helicopter and cheap out on the training. Spend extra on training, do more than what is required. See many different instructors and learn from all of them. Also, make sure to book you recurrent training. You want to be competent and confident when you fly.
Robbie Tip 5# Who has ever gone out flying on a beautiful day and got turned around due to weather? I have! Many times. During a cross-country trip last year I got turned around 4 times in a few days. Mother Nature is beautiful but sometimes unexpected and must be respected.
Robbie Tip 6# What is one of the greatest advancements in aviation technology? I say ForeFlight! What do you say?
Robbie Tip 7# Flight tracking. It should be a requirement for every aircraft. What are you using to share your position for flight tracking? Spidertracks, Spot, Garmin? Any others you recommend?
Do you have any flying tips, safety suggestions, technology insights you would like to share? Comment below, we would like to hear your comments.
Happy Flying – LukeYanik